This wonderful smile belongs to Katie. She recently began her chemo #5 and still she smiles.
I have written of Katie before and the "Help for Katie" fundraiser for her and her family. For those of you who are not familiar with Katie, she was diagnosed shortly before Christmas with Stage 4 Stomaach Cancer. She and her husband have 3 sweet little boys and this unexpected news rocked their world. Katie's one option was chemo and you can follow her story on her blog 'My Paper Haven'
http://katiespaperhaven.blogspot.com/ as she travels this difficult journey with determination and hope.
Check out her blog to view all of beautiful cards and chemo hats she has received in an outpouring of love and support from her blogger friends.
A second set of wonderful digital stamps has been created for you that can be yours in return for a donation to the Help For Katie fundraiser. I have a photo of the first set to the right of my blog postings which is also available. For information on how to donate to Katie's fund go to her friend Jak's blog 'Creating Beautiful Things' at http://www.jakheath.com/
Katie's story has touched my heart. One day I may post of the similarities in my own life when I was about her age and with 3 young sons but for now I can say that I follow the struggles of this brave woman and keep her in my prayers every day.
Thanks for stopping by today! If you can - donate to the Katie fund, send her a card, make her a chemo hat, leave a comment of support on her blog, keep her in your prayers - please do!
Wishing you a great day today!
Barbara Diane