Barbara Diane
This quote says it all for me: "I do not understand how anyone can live without one small place of enchantment to turn to." My small place is my studio area in the corner of my living room. My Whimcees are all the dolls, bears and other creatures that I sew from cloth or sculpt from clay, the cards and papercraft projects that I create. It is with this blog I hope to share my world created in my small space.
My Whimcees

Friday, December 25, 2015
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
It's Time For WOYW? Wednesday
I looked at the date of my last post and I though 'how can that be!' as it is two weeks past that date! I have been working every day on the dollhouse store but how can two weeks go by that fast!
Today is Wednesday again and time for "WOYW?" and good thing I didn't miss that another week! If you go to you can see for yourself what is happening with everyone's holiday creations! Don't forget to leave your link so you can be visited also!
I am finally getting to my Christmas cards! I am almost completely done with the dollhouse store except for the baseboards - still have to cut and paint those - so I had to say Stop! to working on that today so I can get these cards in the mail! I will post a photo of one of the cards tomorrow.
It is a gloomy and rainy day today here in this part of WI but the weather is still warm for December! It will be so strange if we do not have snow for Christmas. The decorative lights look so sad without the white to show off their sparkle. I will be satisfied to have some snow for Christmas and maybe on New Year's Eve - bur that would be enough for me thank you very much.
I will start to post the photos of my dollhouse store building journey soon. It has been quite an experience to build this in my very small apartment!
Wishing you a happy evening!
Barbara Diane
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
WOYW? Wednesday and a New Card Poster
Today is Wednesday and time for 'What's On Your Workdesk?" again. I finally made time to make a new card poster for my apartment door. I have been working entire days for some time now building a dollhouse and have made very few paper crafts these last few weeks. I have been taking photos of the process so will share soon. My apartment door has had nothing on it and people were commenting as I don't think that has happened before. :<) The image is one of Mo Manning's called "Carolers Three" and you can find it and many more fun Christmas images at
I added bling with Stickles for snow. Click on the photo to see the detail.
To see all the links for WOYW? go to and start your visiting - Christmas projects are starting! Be sure to leave your link so you can share your creations also!
That Jimbo guy does love my laundry baskets - he will fall asleep in them and stay comfortable for an hour or so. What a silly boy. He especially loves the warm clothes just out of the dryer but an empty basket is just a good for a nap!
Thank you for visiting my blog today! We had snow again last night here in this part of WI but only covered the ground, cars, etc. some pretty trees but not enough that I had to go out and clean off and move my car from the parking lot for the plows and then repeat back to the parking lot. We are to be back in 40's temps again all through the weekend into next week. Love it!
Wishing you a happy day!
Barbara Diane
Friday, November 27, 2015
First Snowman Card of Winter 2015
My first card this winter using a snowman image. All of our first snowfall is now gone due to a couple of days of rain - but I am sure there is more on the way! This is a Mo Manning image called 'Snowman' and you can find it at
Of course I had to add a little Stickles bling.
But he kept sitting there a long time and was very focused on something.
Then he moved to the window and continued watching something in this same spot. I had my close work glasses on and could not see anything but then was concerned maybe it was a spider or some such thing and I don't like spiders!
At this point Jimbo looked at me like 'don't you see what I see?' and so I got up from my work table to see what it was . . . .
and here it is - a tiny little ladybug! No wonder I couldn't see anything! Good eyesight, Jimbo!
Thank you for visiting my blog today! We still have lots of rain - I am hoping it does not turn into more snow! Wishing you a happy day.
Barbara Diane
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
WOYW? Wednesday and A Card For My Youngest Great Grandson
Today is Wednesday and time for "What's On Your Workdesk?" If you are not familiar with what this means, go to where you will find a list of bloggers that have left the link to their blogs so you can see what they are working on. Don't forget to leave your link so they can visit you!
Yesterday I posted photos of the cards I made for three of my great grandchildren and today I have photos of the last of my cards. This one was mailed yesterday to their cousin, the youngest of my great grandchildren.They are all so far away in NH with me here in WI but I have been promised some cards in return and new photos! :<)
Yesterday I posted photos of the cards I made for three of my great grandchildren and today I have photos of the last of my cards. This one was mailed yesterday to their cousin, the youngest of my great grandchildren.They are all so far away in NH with me here in WI but I have been promised some cards in return and new photos! :<)
A little bling for Gage on the Dinosaur Tales.
Thank you for visiting my blog today! I have been working on a new project - building a dollhouse store. Living area upstairs and shop downstairs. I will post some photos of the process. Lots of glue, black dust, small space to work in, bad words and amazement that it it turning into a building! :<)
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving for those who celebrate this holiday! Wishing you a good one!
Barbara Diane
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Cards For Great Grandchildren
Three sons - 5 grandchildren and now 4 great grandchildren - the years have gone by so fast. Sending cards to New Hampshire from here in Wisconsin. Today's cards are to a sister and two brothers. I have been promised some cards back with photos! :<)
To Hunter
A little bling on the smiley face and the markers.
To Madelyn
A little bling on the bubbles and trim on her outfit.
To Carter
A little bling on the game and the dog's ball.
Tomorrow my card to the 4th and youngest.
Wishing you a happy day today!
Barbara Diane
Saturday, November 21, 2015
First Snow of 2015
Above you can see the difference a few weeks can make. Today we had our first snow in this part of WI - you can see that in the second photo; The top photo is the same scene outside my window only two weeks ago, when all the colors of Fall were still here. We had 4 1/2 inches on the cars when I went out to clean off the car and it has continued snowing since then.
And so it begins . . . . .
Thank you for visiting my blog today! Wishing you a great day!
Barbara Diane
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Details I Forgot To Post
Hello again!
I completely forgot to post the photos of the fussy cutting of the Wizard of Oz characters that were on the poster card I made for Jim. I posted the photo of Jimbo as a glitter cat after he connected with the wet glitter on the figures, but forgot to post the photos of having to put them in a drawer to dry! I had to close the drawer so they were no longer at risk. :<)
Just thought you would enjoy.
Thank you for visiting my blog! The end of our beautiful Indian Summer weather is coming to an end. SNOW is on the way! I am SO not ready! I have my car winterized, a full tank of gas, snow brushes and ice scraper n the car, my snow shovel in the trunk - but I am NOT ready!
Barbara Diane
Wizard of Oz Poster Card for Jim
My son Jim'a favorite movie is the Wizard of Oz and he has wanted me to make him a card with these characters for ages. I had made a small card earlier for myself to hang on one of my bulletin boards in my studio area and he liked it very much, but I wanted to make him a large poster card. I fussy cut the figures from the Graphic 45 retired collection "The Magic of Oz". I loved this collection so much - I treasure the papers I still have and hesitate to use them so Jim is a lucky guy!
This is the card he always hinted he would like - but now he has his own! Yesterday he called me and said "I think that is the best card you have ever made!" - high praise from my son. :<) Love it!
Thank you for visiting my blog today! We have sunshine again today in this part of WI after many days of dark and dreary and rain. It is much colder and still lots of wind but no snow yet! Wishing you a happy day!
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
WOYW? Wednesday - Finishing The Christmas House
It;s Wednesday again - and time for "What's On Your Workdesk?", so to see all of the wonderful projects and cards being created go to and visit Julia, leave her a comment that you were there and start visiting blogs on the list! Be sure it add your link!
It;s Wednesday again - and time for "What's On Your Workdesk?", so to see all of the wonderful projects and cards being created go to and visit Julia, leave her a comment that you were there and start visiting blogs on the list! Be sure it add your link!
Yesterday I left you with the roof piece edged and a strip colored on the right side with a blue marker to match the blue in the patterned paper. Below you see the paper has been glued onto the roof piece and glued to the house. Starting to look great!
Then I had to decide which accessory pieces I had removed from the house that I wanted to cover with various patterned papers and glue back onto the house front.
These all had to be edged/strip of color with the blue marker before covering.
All pieces glued on and a little weight to hold in place until dry.
And my first Christmas House for 2015 is finished! I am mailing this to my son Jim and hope he likes it! I have used the Graphic 45 "A Christmas Carol" paper collection and I love the patterns!
But b before I mailed it out to Jim I needed to add a little detail - some Stickles for glitter! We both love glitter and it finds itself onto almost every project either of us makes! You can click on the photos to enlarge them if it is difficult to see the glitter.
Even Jimbo loves glitter it seems! He had to get into the act and I had a glitter kitty!
Thank you for visiting my blog today! Wishing you a good day of fun and creating!
Barbara Diane
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