This quote says it all for me: "I do not understand how anyone can live without one small place of enchantment to turn to." My small place is my studio area in the corner of my living room. My Whimcees are all the dolls, bears and other creatures that I sew from cloth or sculpt from clay, the cards and papercraft projects that I create. It is with this blog I hope to share my world created in my small space.
My Whimcees

Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
More Origami Butterflies
A pair this time - I love this style of butterfly! I have been searching the Internet for tutorials on creating different folds of butterflies and hope to have some samples to show soon. :<)
Finally, a bit of cooler weather here in this part of WI - I hope that it stays for the weekend!
Barbara Diane
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Flowers and Butterflies Everywhere
Love the color brown and always on the lookout for paper with brown as the background or main color. This caught my eye right away - a immediate sale was made! It was perfection for a happy card - then had to add a few little polka dot butterflies and cut out a flower for the middle! :<)
I have started two small dolls and will have photos to share next week - if all goes well. :<)
Barbara Diane
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Origami Tulips
Another origami project from my new book. I love the folded flowers as much as the butterflies and this card has the origami tulips! I added the centers to give it my own look. :<)
Thanks for stopping by today!
Yesterday the humidity and heat were off the charts for May. It was a very good day to not go outside if it wasn't necessary. Today is to be another humid day and more thunderstorms later in the afternoon but hopefully a break tomorrow.
Wishing you well!
Barbara Diane
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Origami Butterfly
I love origami - love how with just a bit of folding one can make something so beautiful from a simple square of paper.
I recently found this beautiful little butterfly in a book my brother sent to me - thank you Dick! I love the book! :<) I knew that I had to make one as soon as I saw the photo. It is so easy to make and I will have a tutorial later this week on making this delicate and lovely butterfly. I have another card to show you that I created to showcase this origami beauty and yet another with a delightful folded tulip. I hope that you enjoy!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Pretty, Pink and Lacey
I hope that you had a nice weekend! It was very hot weather here in this part of WI yesterday - it was 96 degrees and humid - and it is to continue again through today! It's only May!
To start the week - something pretty, pink and lacey. This card opens from the side as well as from the bottom up. Something different. :<)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Wonderful Creations by Blogger Friends
Sometimes I get so far behind on what I intend to do! The following are two beautiful creations that a couple of my good blogger friends have made and sent me photos of which I wanted to share with you!
Rhonda sent me a link to her lovely hidden panel card! I have posted all of the photos here but you will want to go to her blog "Rhonda's Place to Share" for the image and supplies details!
And here are photos of Linda's gorgeous tied fleece blanket! Linda lives in Georgia and has made a total of 13 of these blankets - for her daughter, 5 grandkids, niece and 6 greatgrandkids! This one is the blanket (twin size) that she made for her 6th greatgrandchild, a little girl, on the day of her birth. That's a woman's love for the children in her family! :<)
Thanks for stopping by today!
It is going to be very hot here in my part of WI today and tomorrow! Wishing you a happy day!
Barbara Diane
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Check Out This Blog Candy!
You will want to check out this wonderful blog candy - I love this beautiful DP - in the photo below at Michelle's Pink Paper Paradise blog http://michelle-pinkpaperparadise.blogspot.com/ You will also find many great cards and projects that Michelle has created!

Barbara Diane
Friday, May 21, 2010
For this card I stamped three flower images, colored them with markers, cut one in half to get the smaller flowers. Then I stamped the swirl on the front and two inside panels and added the flowers. I used DP on the back panel and the inside front panel and sponged the card's edges all around. I also roughed up both the flowers and the stamped swirls with fine grade sand paper - which you can see more clearly if you click on the photos for a larger view.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thank You
Wishing you all a happy day.
Barbara Diane
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
This Card Is For You Bernice
Where I live there are many elderly and disabled tenants - people vulnerable to numerous health issues - so an ambulance is not an uncommon sight. When this happens, everyone checks with each other to see who may be ill or injured. But today, three police cars with the ambulance - something was very wrong. I called a friend and asked if something bad had happened. She said "Bernice died last night". For a moment, it didn't even compute. What? How? Bernice was my friend who lived across the hall from me. I had just talked to her on the telephone the night before. We talked of the beautiful weather, the lilacs that we both loved.
Yesterday was a very sad day. I was in shock - I kept thinking how can this be? I kept going over the conversation we had the night before and think, did I miss something? She was often ill and many times afraid and would call to see if I could come over. I created a weekly med chart for her to help with her medications as she would become confused.
But when I talked to her that night she said that she was feeling ok, just a bit tired and told me of being out and attending a family birthday party last weekend and she had a cute story of the 2 year old birthday boy when he opened his gift of a pair of shorts that she wanted to share. At the end of our conversation we told each other to have a good night and she said that she was just calling to see how I was. Now she is gone. She was alone when she died. Was she afraid? Did she try to call someone? I had not been well and she called to see how I was - and now she is gone. It just didn't compute.
I worked on this making this card for her yesterday. I tried to catch the essence of her. This is for you Bernice. I am missing you, my friend.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A Gumball Machine Card That DIspenses Candy!
I knew as soon as I saw this card that I had to make one! I love cards that are different folds or pop-ups or functional in some way - it is great fun for me to see if I can follow the tutorials to make them work! :<) This gumball machine card that dispenses candy was just such a challenge!
You can find a great video tutorial and the template for this wonderful and unique card at Amber's very creative blog "Staying Crafty" at http://stayingcrafty.blogspot.com/ Her quiet voice and patient manner on the video keeps you focused - and considerably less anxious - when first attempting this project's mechanism that allows the candy to drop down from the globe! :<) It is well worth the time and effort spent to make this card and I am definitely making more of them! :<)
Thank you Amber for this great project!
Thanks for stopping by today!
After a very busy and chaotic yesterday and being gone most of the day, I hope to have a quiet day today and just rest and create. Wishing you a good one also! :<)
Barbara Diane
Monday, May 17, 2010
Better Late Than Never
Friday, May 14, 2010
A Joy Fold Card
Today I have a Joy Fold card to share with you. You can find a tutorial for this card on many different sites, but I really like this one at http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/resources/
This style of card is very appropriate for today's posting, as all of your lovely e-mails and comments have brought me so much joy this week! I am truly blessed with the many wonderful friends that I have had the good fortune to meet through this blog! Thank you! :<)
Thanks for stopping by!
Wishing you all a great weekend - full of happiness and sunshine!
A big hug from my card and from me! :<)
Barbara Diane
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A Beautiful Blogger Award
I received this great award from my good friend Patti - this image is so pretty in black and white, it would make a beautiful card. Patti is at http://www.creationsbypatti.blogspot.com/ She is a definitely a beautiful blogger! :<) Thank you Patti!
I am to pass this on to 10 fellow bloggers - here are the links. They are all beautiful! :<)
1. http://bluepoohbear753.blogspot.com/
2. http://candycreek.blogspot.com/
3. http://chocolatecraftsandbearsohmy.blogspot.com/
4. http://jackiemthomas.blogspot.com/
5. http://joaniscardsmadebyhand.blogspot.com/
6. http://kyliescraftcorner.blogspot.com/
7. http://primitiveseasons.blogspot.com/
8. http://stampinatnight.blogspot.com/
9. http://stampin-n-more.blogspot.com/
10. http://kathysquietime.blogspot.com/
I am also to list 10 things about myself. Spring is my favorite time of year - so here are 10 things I love about this time of year. :<)
1. Sunshine, sunshine and more sunshine.
2. Trees when they start to bloom and look all lacey and delicate.
3. Robins returning and birds singing in the morning.
4. Lilacs - both purple and white - their scent is heavenly.
5. Packing away coats and boots and gloves and heavy clothes.
6. Blooming trees and flowers everywhere.
7. Open windows and warm breezes.
8. Neighborhood children's laughter as they play outside.
9. Smell of new mown grass.
10. The colors of Spring.
Thanks for stopping by today!
Thank you again Patti! :<) Wishing you all good things!
Barbara Diane
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A Note Paper Holder Of My Own
Well, I had to make a note paper holder for myself! :<) I loved this project when I made it as a gift for my friend (see my April 21st post) and I am still having such fun using the little Asian girls stamp set - so I put them together to make my own!
I cut down the individual sheets of paper of a tablet that I received in the mail to fit the completed note paper holder box and the color/print was perfect to go with the little girl image. I didn't make it in red Patti, but I put a bit of red in the border and flowers with you in mind! :<)