My Whimcees

My Whimcees

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

And Then . . . We Had No Heat!


And then after I wrote the last post about the water main break - then Sunday we woke up with no heat in the apartment building - that is why we were so cold when we woke up at like 4:30 - 5:00 am! Yesterday little or no heat! And the frigid temperatures continued. Our high yesterday was -11 degrees with that dangerous windchill of -45 to -50 degrees! It was very bad here at the apartments - and with so many of our tenants elderly or hanidcapped - it was so stressful! People were using their ovens for heat or the bathroom fan heater - fire worries - or just hunkering down with layers of clothing. To walk out into the building hallways was like walking into a walk-in cooler. Today a bit of heat finally - I have 64 degrees in my apartment - a sauna! The living room wall board is not heating but the bedroom one is and that is heating the apartment. Our outside temperature is -14 with a windchill of -26 and tonight it is to be -2 degrees.  

In this kind of cold - weird snow patterns form from the wind - and we had so much wind which increased the frigid air! Looking out my living room window it looks like lilly pads across a pond. These are not footsteps - no one has been out and especially not walking in the snow on the side of the building. :<) These raised areas are caused by the wind. Strange, huh?

Also in this extreme cold, smoke from chimneys does not rise and usually angles down. But looking out the window when taking the snow photos I saw this smoke from the chimney in the house across the street - it was blowing straight across. If you look between the slats on the right third of the photo, about mid way down - you can see the white plume of smoke going across. You can click on the photo to enlarge it. I could not get another photo with the blinds up because by then the smoke was going down again. Too cold!

Thank you for visiting my blog today! I wish you a happy and warm Tuesday! Hopefully it will be warm in here tomorrow so I can create something! My tables were pulled away from the wall for two days to get at the heating element so now everything is back in place and I can sit down at my workdesk again.


Barbara Diane


Unknown said...

WOW.. . .that's terrible and also scary! And with that windchill, that's just horrible!
I don't blame you for not creating in those kind of conditions. Hope it didn't last long.
The photos are just GORGEOUS! Makes me cold though. BRRRR! Stay warm!!
Thanks for joining us in the Sassy Cheryl's Show Me Thursday fun!!

Rhonda Miller said...

Oh Barbara. Wow, with those temps, I can't imagine not having any heat. I'm glad you at least got some working. I hope things start to warm up more for you and the others in your building. Thank you for sharing your photos. It's amazing that the wind did that.

kraftykat157 said...

Oh Barbara I don't know where you live but it looks like my back yard. I live in North Daka and lost our heat twice, so cold the power lines snapped is wjat the told us. Hope you fell better. and having the save above zero temps we are