Oh My Goodness! It is Valentines Day tomorrow! I have not created anything for so long now because of illness and life's issues but Valentines Day - one can't miss that! This is a wonderful new image of Mo Manning's - a salute to Shirley Temple who died Wednesday at age 85. I grew up watching Shirley's movies - I loved her - what a talent she was as a child! So here is little Shirley wishing you all a very Happy Valentines Day!

Thank you for visiting my blog today and thank you for all of the kind inquiries as to how I am. I hope to post some photos soon of my new kitten Jimbo. I took him in to the vet today for his 3 week re-check and he is doing very well! He has gained one pound and now weighs 5 1/2 pounds! He is my saving grace and I am so blessed to have this little guy as my buddy. In fact I call him Buddy so often that he answers to both! My son Jim will be coming to visit this weekend and he will be so amazed at how much Jimbo/Buddy has grown. He is still so little but getting very long and with his big feet he will be a large cat when grown. The vet said he had lost two front baby teeth and the new ones were growing in. Who knew that kittens lost their baby teeth - I didn't!
You can have little Shirley for your very own by visiting Mo at http://www.digitalpenciltoo.blogspot.com/ I have also entered this card in her current challenge with the theme of "Love is . . ." and you can see all of the beautiful cards and enter your own at http://mosdigitalchallenge.blogspot.com/
Wishing you a very happy Valentines Day - I hope that you spend it with loved ones.
Barbara Diane