The door into the old oak tree had opened - the excitement grew! Who would come to give the little owls their treats - and what would those treats be! The little owls, all dressed up in their Owl-O-Ween costumes, had been arriving in Owl Forest all month - now the wait was almost over!
And then someone stepped into the doorway - it was the Wise Twin Owls mother Nana - with a bowl of treats for the little owls. Lovely sparkly Owl-O-Ween green suckers - a favorite in the Owl Forest! One for each of the little owls! A happy "Hoot Hoot Horray!" was heard from all directions! The waiting was over - they were all so happy!
Over the month's time were added the two Wise Twin Owls, three more owls on the card above the poster - Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil, a sign on the tree, a door, twenty-one little owls in costume and the Wise Twin Owl's mother owl whom they all called Nana. Twenty seven owls - twenty-two different costumes (including Nana's) - twenty one little pumpkin treat bags - a bowl for the treats and twenty-eight individual suckers.
What a fun month this has been! I hope that you enjoyed taking this trip with me! :<)
It has been great fun to create all of these costumes for the little owls. For those of you who asked, I drew patterns and then cut them free hand as the ideas came to me. Thank you to all of you who followed this little story as it unfolded and who wrote such kind comments and e-mails! I loved hearing from you and along with my friends here stopping by each day to check out who had arrived in Owl Forest during the night, to hear from you helped keep me motivated! :<)
I hope your evening was fun! Happy Owl-O-Ween from all of us! :<)
Barbara Diane