A photo of the finished door!
It was great fun! It started with the witch doll given me by my good friend Fayette, who is a fantastically talented polymer clay artist. (See her site on my Favorites) Then I added the bats, then the haunted houses . . . . It took on a life of its own, with other tenents where I live coming by daily to see what had been added. One of the women called to say someone from the newspaper should come by to take a photo, another was on the other side of my apartment door taking a photo as I walked out - startled us both! :<) It ended up with 18 different projects. It was such fun!
This year I also had everyone come to my door to collect their cards and treat boxes and I loved it! Before I would put them by the apartment doors, but this year I left notes to come to my apartment to pick them up. It was just like having trick or treat only with adults! :<) One of the men came with his note in hand, saying "I have my ticket to get my treats". Loved it!

Well, I was going to post a tutorial on making a Halloween bat treat holder this morning, but got a bit sidetracked on another project!
I have been making paper Halloween characters to put on the door to my apartment - adding something different every day - and it has evolved into a Halloween landscape across the door. Yesterday I decided the scene needed a skeleton but they are a bit difficult to make freehand with all those bones - so I took another path.
I went on-line and printed a Halloween clip art that had a skeleton standing in a pumpkin patch. I didn't want the pumpkins so cut out just the skeleton from the picture - took a bit of cutting! I had printed it on copy paper as my printer does not take CS and this also made it a bit more fragile to handle when cutting. Then using purple and green Stickles, I covered the hat and stick completely to make them sparkle.
The bones of the skeleton looked so dull next to the sparkly hat, so I decided to cover the teeth - maybe this would liven up the bones! That looked so good that I decided to cover ALL the bones to make the entire skeleton sparkly! I added sparkly pop dot eyes and a diamond top for the stick (I had cut off the small skeleton head that had been on it in the clip art) and he was finished! That took lots of Stickles and time but I loved the results!
Even on the black CS the photos don't show how sparkly he is, but the hat gives you an idea! I think he will look great in the scene on my door! :<)

Thanks for stopping by today!
I will have the tutorial for the bat treat holder on Monday! Wishing you a great weekend!
Barbara Diane