I am late posting today! I just finished my project - a bunch of matchboxes for my brother. Dick makes the most beautiful angel pins and he asked me if the matchbox would work for them. I decided to make him a variety because . . . . .
I found this wonderful Easter treat to send to Dick and his wife Bonita and it came in 8 sections! So, instead of sending it all together - and remembering his asking about the matchboxes - I thought why not make 8 different boxes and hide a treat in each one?! Good idea! I said to my self - let's do it! :<)
Although Dick and Bonita will see this post and know what the boxes look like, they will not see the treats inside the boxes because I will not post those photos until I hear from them that they have received the package. :<) I am off now to the post office!
You can click on the photo for larger size.
Thanks for stopping by today!
We have the most beautiful weather here in WI today - can't wait to get outside. I have the apartment windows open but love the feel of the fresh air when driving in the car!
Wishing you a good day today! You too Dick and Bonita - hope you are feeling better soon! :<)
Barbara Diane